Sr. Agatha, CM
The elements of Palautian spirituality are clearly shown in the following passages in the writings of Fr. Palau:
His passion was centered on the search for the beloved: “Apart from the world, withdrawn in the convent, I inquired about the beloved object, I searched for her. And, who would think of such a thing! I searched for her in the austerities of religious life, in fasting, in silence, in poverty; I searched for her and I found her…! I saw my loved one, and I united myself to her in faith, in hope and love! Her presence satisfied my passion, and with her I was happy, her beauty was sufficient for me. God and my neighbor, or rather the Catholic Church seemed to me as beautiful as a divinity. She was covered under the veil of mystery and allowed herself to be seen in the obscurity of night, but it was not so dark that one can not distinguish the infinite perfection which adorned her and which made her infinitely loveable. I found my happiness and blissfulness in her; I was happy!”
Once found, he offered his life for the beloved: “I give you what I am, what I have and desire all that I could have. I give myself to you, Oh holy Church, in love, obedience, chastity and poverty…. Just as I am I give myself to you, and I am not better it is my own fault; make me pure, chaste, holy and perfect, then I will be”.
The object of his love: union of God and neighbor or the Church where Christ is the head and the people forming one body with Christ.
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