Sr. Regina, CM
Fr. Palau continually search to love and be loved (MR 1, 2) so he entered Carmel in spite of the difficult times for religious life, and he considered his profession irrevocable.
Palautian spirituality is deeply connected to Teresian Carmelite. Teresian spirituality is the root of Palautian spirituality. Fr. Palau has shown how deep has been his Carmelite formation and how he nurtured what he has received throughout his life (Letter …)
So the infusion of the essence of the Carmelite spirituality is seen in his foundational work (Letter 72, 2). In line with the Teresian tradition, the value or aspect of purification and conversion is given much importance, and also the renunciation and detachment from whatever hinders in following Christ. They imply ascetical effort. Sta. Teresa said of herself “I am a daughter of the Church.” Carmel included all things about love of God. It is a wide spirituality, but Carmel become more ecclesial through Sta. Teresa and then later through one of the sons of Sta. Teresa, Fr. Francisco Palau. One of the spirituality of Carmel is concretized in ecclesiality. It became unique through the charismatic experience of Fr. Palau (Letter 3; MR 4, 22). The ecclesiality is the center of convergence and origin of the whole Palautian spirituality, a life of intimacy with God and the life of service to the neighbors are the two channels of the same love to Christ and the members of his body the Church, therefore it is impossible to separate the love of God and the neighbors. From this profound ecclesial vision, the fusion of the interior life and apostolic activities arise. They are two expressions of the same love (Letter 88).
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