Sr. Apichaya N. Poolpokpol, CM
Palautian Spirituality has its center on Fr. Palau’s strong idea of the church as the mystical body of Christ, the mystery of communion which he expressed in his love in the precept of loving God and neighbors by serving and doing acts of charity through fraternal love and works of mercy which are part of our active life and fruit of our solitary and contemplative life.
Along his journey, he never gave up his authentic zeal even how he faced many trials and difficulties, his happiness last forever because his hope and search for meaning in life had possessed and dominated him. His passion of faith, hope and love united him to the Church which is infinitely lovable. Fr. Founder also presented Mary as reflective of the holiness of the Church.
We as daughters of Fr. Palau may try to live out this passion in its uniqueness and follow the footsteps of our Founder by practicing it faithfully and joyfully so that our Congregation may be a visible sign of faith, hope and love in this present time.
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