Sunday, September 28, 2008

Reflections on Palautian Spirituality

Sr. Rosenoni B. Combo, CM

Fr. Palau, since childhood have been possessed and dominated by a passion called love. God wrote this within his heart: “You must love with all your strength…” (Dt. 6:5; Mt. 22: 37) This powerful voice created a great passion in him. What did he love? Who was his beloved object?

Fr. Palau searched for his beloved in the austerities of religious life, in fasting, in silence, in poverty. At last after forty years in search for her, he found her because she came to meet him, and let herself be known. She was infinitely beautiful, loveable and delightful. The object of love of Fr. Palau is the Church where Christ is the head and the people forming one body with Christ. Love of God and love of neighbor cannot be separated. Because of this revelation, Fr. Palau was ready to surrender totally to his beloved. “I live and will live for her; I live and shall die for her.” (MR 1, 29)

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